Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remember The Eleventh of September

Remember, Remember
The Eleventh of September,
The year: Two thousand and one
Never forget the day
That we lost
And they won

Four airliners
Flying at hundred miles per hour
At the hands of self-proclaimed martyrs
Became weapons of mass destruction

People died
That should have lived
Some as heroes, most were victims
Robbed of what could have been

Remember, Remember
The Eleventh of September,
The year: Two thousand and one
Never forget the day,
How we all felt
Not only the horror
Or our justified anger
But how we came together
As one nation

Although there had been plenty of warning beforehand
Of the threat that was Usama Bin Laden
Our failure to stop the plot in its tracks
That showed how vulnerable we were to attack
We took the blow
And bounced right back!

A commission followed
There were talks, reprimands and apologies
Leading to the conclusion:
‘Failure to communicate! ’
After which we vowed
Never to repeat the mistake

Remember, Remember
The Eleventh of September,
The year: Two thousand and one
Never forget the day,
The week, the world
Joined us in mourning;
Showing we were not alone.
Unity of effort and unity of purpose
Is how we will prevail
Against those who wish us woe
Never forget
The resolve of iron of our nation
The strength we have in our allies
Not only the loss
But what is yet to be won

(c)2010 RyanFisher Do not take without permission!