Friday, July 2, 2010


It gets me -got me
Had me-won me
I admit
I was in a place
And face
Faced a poison
And took in
Rather gave in

Easy to except failure
For me - lately
I move, moved to the next chapter
But I was in the wrong novel
My story was not this
I was not able
I was not meant for this
So I'm off this

I'm looking for my bus ticket
I lost it awhile back
You seen that? It?
It had me on a one way to dreams
See I am not that complicated
I'm simple
I want to WIN
So I'm struggling to get that back
I'm at the bus stop yelling-
Pick me up!

Let me have one more chance at it
Just one more run at it- I need it dearly
A personal confession in order I know...
And I'm just about sober, so here I go...

Personal blasphemy how my arrogant audacity referenced my artistic mastery of life. Lasting and ever chasing....capturing my mind to settle history. My tendency to move boldly mixed with my American TENACITY to make every fucking thing I dream come true.
I vision a day when I look back proudly at this moment when I re-awoke and FORGED forward to stitch my name in the long line of film makers and artist that made it and never looked back, no-matter how well hated and shunned, because I'm on my own trail these days - I'm BLAZING and PHASING all negativity in my way, nothing can stop me I'm fucking pissed off, confident and hungry for more, no matter what this world has in store. That ticket was never lost it was in my back pocket, I just was sitting on it all along, but I'm standing and standing tall, look for me soon, I'll be gone, I won't be in this place, I'll be smiling at my reflection in the window as I pass the landscape of tomorrow - Ryan Fisher (ME)